...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


This is Ford, he is officially considered a Foster Failure. But that is a good thing, because now he is part of our family. Well, I guess you can kind of call my hubby and I 'dog grandparents'. My girl and her guy are adopting him for their anniversary present. He is a sweetheart. He got to spend the night last night because they celebrated their anniversary. Started the day off with a photo shoot! And off they went from there. This is good news, he is a good boy! On an enlarged view, you can see the sparkle in his eye!

On a bummer note: yesterday I found out that I didn't get the job at my old company. I told God, if you don't want me to have it, then please don't give it to me. And the door closed. That is good...and, well, it's not bad, just frustrating. With my unemployment benefits reduced, I really feel the pressure to get something, anything. Do I lower my standards and just start applying around? But I need to trust and know that the right door will open and when it does, I will walk through with full confidence that it IS the right move! I am still smiling and standing and believing! :)

Happy Tuesday!

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