It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Diesel Dude!

Firstly I have to thank all you lovely people for getting yesterdays "Giant Daisy Parasol" to the Spotlight! Its also gone into the favourites too ;-)
I am so behind in replying to your blips I apologise profusely for this. I will do my best to catch up in my half hour lunch and when I get home at 4am!

I also changed the Mill picture to the Bull iPhone picture as the Mill didn't really work well with my description.

I'm glad you liked it and hope it gave you a laugh!
Today I was running out of options for a blip so Diesel to the rescue again.
However it gave me the chance to play around in Photoshop again and although I'm not particularly good at it ....its starting to come together slowly.

All thanks to John G as he's been soo helpful answering my questions.
Thank you John ;-)

Ok Im off for a bath and hair wash which I should have done ages ago but a bit off track (No change there)

Draco x

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