Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Agents of Change

Amazing event this evening with groups of young people with disabilities from across Scotland that we have been working with.

They were all exploring what helps or hinders their move into young adulthood, and were presenting their findings and recommendations to the Scottish Parliament and the Minister tonight.

So many incredible elements, including a really powerful animation about bullying made by one of the young people, which was so moving.

This Blip is of my favourite thing - a sensory board, designed by the young people to help them describe their feelings about transition, being involved in decision-making and the people in their lives that affect that. Emotions were described as feelings - which were then assigned textures and smells. People - teachers, social workers, health staff - were then "mapped" onto the board.

So - some people were sandpaper, others were feathers, a few were grass and a few fabulous folk were the pinnacle of the positive scale - Pom Poms.

It is one of the most powerful ways of addressing this topic I've ever seen - we will definitely being recreating this with all groups of young people, it's so universally expressive and understood!

This pic doesn't do it justice but it had to be the subject today :)

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