Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

All my colours

Haven't had a benkske as a subject for a while, so thought it was time for one.

This one, overlooking a school playing field was occupied by two young boys, hitting and cuddling each other almost simultaneously. A love/hate relationship it would seem.

After taking the photo I passed four people sitting on plastic chairs outside a house.
Spotting my camera they asked, nay told me to take a picture of two of the women.

I duly obliged.

Apparently one was the Cinderella of the street, whatever that means.

Then the questions started, did I live around here? Yes. Once I'd told them the name of the street they looked at each other and nodded. Told each other it wasn't a bad street.
I think they approved, but if they did, they didn't tell me.
They detected an accent they said, in return, so did I.

Did I like living here, could I settle? Of course, I replied, lived here about 18 months now.
Again, they looked at each other and nodded.

I'd like to send them the photo, did they have an address?
Yes, here, (one of them pointed to the front door). Cue four people hooting with laughter, followed seconds later by quadruple smokers' coughs.
Now it was my turn to smile :)

The conversation went on for a bit, I eventually got an e-mail address from one of them, and went on my way.

Past the fountain at the end of the road. A victim of youthful pranks, it's often filled with washing up liquid, the foam spills out over the edges.
Not tonight, this time it's been coloured bright red for some reason.

Different, I suppose.

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