Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


Happy smiles with relief after finishing the exams tests:) Here half the number of my classmates is portrayed (together with the 3 jurers of the exams' committee in their midst) after we'd given our best roleplay and performance in this group together, the other half of our group had done that in the morning while we did so in the afternoon. We gave our best performance and now wonder whether we managed to convince the jury with our tops or will they come with tips we'd overlooked? Within 4 weeks we should know our results.
Now naggered and home where I found my son who'd returned from his hiking tour along the Dalmation coast; he & his group enjoyed the Midterranean life and beautiful landscape & seascape of Yugoslavia and noticed the people there are eager to join in the EU; they'd been interviewed on that item twice:)

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