
By lastlight

How to make a clean white sheet look like a dirty old rag.

Thanks for all the love and laughs for yesterday's LBM! Am getting through the comments as and when blip is behaving itself. At the moment it keeps telling me that my comments can't be added but it's still adding them. I've now repeated myself several times on several different blips - sure I can almost hear sniggering in the background somewhere!

Not really much to say about today - typical uneventful Tuesday. Did have Thai green curry tonight from the paste made a few weeks back - best batch yet I recon - gradually refining the recipe.
And connected remotely to work from home tonight, just to test it all out - not that I know if they'll agree the home working thing yet. But I can if they do :)

And in other news, turns out I can't do a press up. Can't work out how to keep my body stiff enough while moving my arms. It's like trying to wiggle your ears when you can't, though less about ears and more about arms and back, but I can wiggle those - not while doing press ups though! Oh dear I'm rambling - time to call it quits and head off to the land of nod me thinks!

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