Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

"They Were Only Playing Leapfrog "

Very, very late upload. yesterday I complained about not getting close enough to the heron. This morning I went out into the garden in search of a blip as we hadanother very busy day.

Lots of tiny insects so I attached the macro rings to the camera and used my old 18-55 lens. Quite amazing how close you can get, within 10mm of the creatures. These guys didn't even notice how close the lens was. They were so tiny , not much bigger than a pin head. I think I will continue to practise macro images on ordinary garden insects in the hope that when we go out to Macedonia in September I might see something more exotic. Apologies to all those blippers who really don't like this kind of image. I#m fascinated by the minute detail on these tiny creatures, no matter how horrible they look.

Today ( well yesterday now that I see the time ) we went over to see our older grandson who heads off in the wee small hours of the morning on his expedition to the Himalayas. When I think of our grand mountain expedition in the sixties all the way to the Cairngorms for a week and how excited we were! Here is a group of 16 and 17 year old boys and girls heading off across the world for a trek over part of the Indian part of the Himalayas for 3 weeks with a building project at the beginning and end of their time there. They will be laying the foundations for a very large village green house ( the green house will be very large to meet the needs of the whole village ) then heading off on their 3 week trek, living most of the time in Indian villages and some of the time in tents .When they come back from the expedition they will then complete the greenhouse which they hope will help the village become self sustainable.

What a wonderful adventure, how I wish we had opportunities like that. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the images he brings back with him. He has the camera I bought him a few years ago and another I lent him so he would have a spare - jus in case!

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