
By Topsyturvy

Small and large

The grass grows in this fence post in its own tiny space whilst beyond are the big expanses of field and the high hills of Hoy.

I was in what felt like a small room for our sewing group this morning. Actually, the space is fine but we had a great turnout after four weeks of cancelled meetings.  Just great to see everyone. Brilliant, actually. A little bit of stitching happens but a good time to share laughter and experiences. 

After that I needed a good breath of fresh air and 'just me and Berry'-time. The good weather was holding so Berry and I revisited Binscarth Woods where double snowdrops were blooming and the promise of daffodils was well on the way. Such a joy to see life returning after the tough winter weather. 

Back home after collecting Chris's order of sourdough bread, and I was into my hideyhole, busy sorting out bits to keep my novice quilter friend on track tonight. I get inspired (distracted?!) when I'm in there so I rolled up late to our evening sewing meeting - no surprise to the folk there - I'm afraid I rarely make it on time. Too much to do ...

I've been listening to 'Signs' by Laura Lynne Jackson.  Fascinating to me.  Messages from the parallel world of those who live alongside us. I know many regard this as gobbledegook but the examples quoted are pretty compelling and I've had my own experiences that would appear to confirm a nurturing other world that looks out for us and to which we are destined to return.

A small material world  and a greater beyond. 

Make of it what you will :-)

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