Flip Flopping

They are cute, comfortable (for the most part), keep your feet cool in the warm weather and are great for showing off your pedicure. Flip-flops make you think of summer, the beach and a California lifestyle. They are actually safer going barefoot at times. What's not to like right? Well, I tell you, pain for one. I know I am not alone but it sure seems like everyone is wearing them except me. Which is why I keep going back and forth about whether or not I want to risk the pain again. Thousands of people visit doctors each year for flip-flop related injuries. I was one of them. Yes, they are great for the protecting your feet from hot sand and I will not even think of getting into a shower at the gym without putting them on because of possible fungus and wart-causing bacteria. However, the very clear memory of getting a GIANT cortisone shot into the bottom of my foot has me very cautious about how much time I spend wearing them.
I remember yelling an obscenity very loudly at the doctors when getting the shot. I could not believe it came out of my mouth. I apologized and he laughed and told me I was not the first one to say it. I spotted the flip-flops in my Blip when I was at the store today and I loved the bright colorful design and then I realized once on your feet you do not even see the design. My plain old black ones are fine for my needs so I took a picture and put them back. It is hard to believe they have been popular since the Stone Age. I guess it's just too simple a design for my delicate feet.
While everyone else might have a different pair of flip-flops to match every one of their summer outfits, I think I'll stick to my sneakers for now.

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