Life through the lens...

By ValC


Morning spent shopping. Fish van, butchers, farm shop and Sainsbury's Local. Fridge well stocked for the next few days.

After lunch we did our lockdown walk to the pond. Dull but bright, snd so mild. Even the breeze was warm. 15C. Not like February at all.
I took some food for the ducks, but what a surprise we got when I threw it into the water.
The ducks didn't seem bothered but there was a feeding frenzy of fish!  We have seen one or two under the water in the past but never seen so many. Another photo on extra. 
The big one is a carp but not sure what the smaller ones are. May be baby carp.
I wonder if the heron will be back
I was also looking to see if there was any frogspawn but possibly too early. 

We were disappointed with the ending of After the Flood. It started off so well.

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