An Aussie Red

Late enough in the day to have a glass of wine, a glass which I am enjoying while posting this.

I poured myself this while dear S is drinking her reheated, reheated mug of coffee. I didn't feel like coffee. The day at the ward was long enough and draining enough to welcome the opportunity for some Syrah (Shiraz), even if from across the ditch. Actually, I really like Barossa valley reds, Shiraz especially. It is only a self imposed, and therefore frequently broken, rule preference for drinking local. This is a very nice drop, and doesn't strain the piggy bank.

As a family we have reason to celebrate today. Daughter C (MA in History, ex Waitangi Tribunal researcher, current history and social sciences teacher, and mother of two wonderful grandboys) has just been appointed to be head of Junior Social Sciences at Avondale College, one of the biggest secondary Schools in Auckland (more than 2500 pupils). This is a great achievement, and a recognition of her wonderful skills as a teacher, and as a person. We drank a toast to her last night, when she was told the news of the appointment (she and daughter J and the boys were all here with us fortuitously). I will toast her again as I sup this.

I will also think of my good fortune in having three wonderful children, each of whom is making her/his own way in the world and being more happy than sad, and my four gorgeous grandchildren whose future is so important.

We must get our society functioning properly so that they can have a life that is productive and free from fearfulness. I was lucky to be born when I was and to have the opportunities I have had and a society to live in which has mostly been one of which to be proud. I worry that, increasingly, my pride in New Zealand has to be tempered by the reality check of our deficiencies.

My task for the next .... years.

And I don't forget my immense pleasure and pride on her behalf that I am with a poet who has just had her first collection accepted for publication.

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