
By rower2012

The new bird feeder

When Paladian and I were up at Mt. Barker at the weekend, we wandered into The Reject Shop, and bright eyes (i.e. Paladian) spotted a plant stand that was just perfect for the base of a new bird feeder we were planning for our deck.

It was even better at the checkout where we were informed that it was on half-price sale - seeing that it had been marked down already, what a bargain!!

We brought it back home and attached a cheap baking tray, lined with black tape, plus draining holes and filled it with seed. Voila, a brand new feeder was born.

We put it out for the first time yesterday afternoon, and it's taken a while for the birds to get used to it, being a bit closer to the windows. However today, our first Rosellas came and fed from it.

It's really pleasing, because it means we can get a much better view from the family room part of this massive bird-hide we inhabit and call home.

Bigger birds.

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