
By TinyR

Time To Say Goodbye

Today was my last day at my old work. I started working there seven years ago and my departure, to a place that offers me more opportunities for professional development and promotion, is tinged with sadness. Overall, I'm glad to be going and I love where I'm going to, but I am sad to say goodbye to the school, the staff and of course the pupils. One of my lovely colleagues got my class to make me a book when I was out of class last week and they gave it to me today. Pupils often make you cards and draw you pictures and this book is one thing that I will really treasure. Teaching this class, and all the others I have done in my time at my the school has been a true privilege and not a single day has passed (even the hard ones) when I've not been reminded of why I get up every day to do what I do. I'm already looking forward to my new class in August and I feel ready for the next chapter in my life to begin (Didn't I say 2013 would be THE year?), but I am sad to close the door on the last one. Thanks to those who made it so special.

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