
By barbarathomson

Harbin Ice City

Ice cut from the frozen river is stored from the year before so that these colossal structures can be made. After the sun goes down they are lit up from inside to pulsate and glow in many colours, but I thought them more impressive naturally lit. Around their bases sculptors from all over the world have created masterpieces of every subject under the sun - and of course, with the sun of summer all will melt away.
I had never been in temperatures below -20 before. As night fell I think it dropped to about -25. It was an experience that, despite all the correct cold weather gear, was profoundly uncomfortable. Like our phone and camera batteries, energy drained away quite suddenly. After a while even frequent use of the refuges, that lined the perimeter of the area, could not warm us up inside. I felt that, if left outside, dying would only take a very short while.
However, there were many families with small children there having a great time with tyre sledges, skating, reindeer petting and eating iced fruit sticks - so acclimatisation must help. 
I admire all those blippers that post such lovely winter scenes and must regularly live in low temperatures - but for me, I was extremely relieved to get back on the tube and the super-heated hotel!

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