Shiny Bug

It's almost as though summer has finally arrived. Very long walk this morning round the park again, unfortunately they were cutting the grass, and I've spent the rest of day with itchy eyes and sneezing.

More rain is forecast for friday, when B is off to the Malvern Challenge, ready for an 8 mile hike on Saturday. It's his final camp with his Scout group before he hopefully moves to Explorer Scouts in September. Last year there were 3,500 Scouts and Guides gathered. It always seems to rain on the Friday night, but is dry for their hike, then they party on Saturday night, and a fairground on Sunday. Then a tired, dirty and grumpy boy returns home, bit like last weekend!

I'm not sure what this bug is, might google it later. The plant was given to us a couple of years ago, this is the first time it's flowered, I think it's going to be a Red Hot Poker.

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