The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Carry On Vetting

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

I took Murphy for a walk up the hill before his appointment with the vet this morning to get his monthly arthritis injection.

It was a bit of a mud bath up there and as I was walking down, I slipped and ended up on my bum. Sitting in the mud. Like a rhino. But with less grace.

I wasn’t particularly bothered about looking like a swamp monster but I didn’t have time to go home to change. I made a feeble attempt to get rid of some of the mud from my trousers and jacket using Murphy’s towel but it turns out that a sharing a towel with your dog is a bad idea. Not only was I still covered in mud but I also smelled like wet dog.

I arrived at the vet but I couldn’t even sit down, and of course, this was the visit that Murphy decided he wasn’t up for getting stabbed with a needle. He kept wriggling against me which seemed to have the undesirable effect of spraying bits of mud everywhere, Jackson Pollock style.

Murphy eventually settled for long enough to get his jab (thanks to gravy bone bribes). I made my apologies to the vet and pretended I hadn’t noticed her walking back into her room with a broom and mop as I was paying at reception!

Maybe this is why we see a different vet every time we go!


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