
By Ridgeback13

One Day

Well, I’ve definitely caught T’s cold! Woke just after 4am sneezing and not able to get back to sleep, Read and dozed a bit til a more respectable getting up time, then chatted about family history work over toast and marmalade with Winsford before she headed off to her bus. I went along to a round table with shadow cabinet minister and Scottish Labour leader. Interesting discussion with some familiar and new people and lots of good suggestions of both the challenges and some possible solutions.
Chatted to JC on the way back then left him to what was expected to be a long meeting this afternoon whilst I went home for a bit of a rest, some more drugs and some admin.
Walked down to town (by then raining instead of this morning’s sunshine) via Old College where I collected the bag I’d left at Arclight’s last night. The old place, made famous (again!) by Netflix’s One Day, was looking grand.
Picked up the rest of my Borneo requirements and then, after some tea and a free slice of orange cake in John Lewis, I settled down to watch Poor Things at the cinema. Really enjoyed it….surreal, funny, dreamlike, spectacular and amazing design, production and costumes, as well as some top notch performances. Home on the bus as I was starting to flag, and made a quick stir fry before collapsing on the sofa a bit and then an early night.

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