FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Sundown over Loch Arklet

Loch Arklet is a small loch, 2.5 ml long by .5 ml wide, lying between Loch Katrine and Loch Lomond in the Trossachs. A house built and inhabited by Rob Roy is close by and Corriearklet Farm where Rob Roy was married sits on the shores of the loch. Ospreys swoop on the loch to catch fish and feral goats graze on the pastures and hillsides alongside.

Famous for its spectacular scenery Loch Arklet offers fly fishing for brown trout and there are three boats for hire on the loch.

In the 2oth century in order to supply water to Glasgow, the level of Loch Arklet was raised by the building of a dam.

I cannot pretend to be an expert on Scottish mountains but I think the three Bens at the end of the loch may be Ben Ime, and Ben Vane, and A'Chrois.

I am sure however that Skyegirl will be able to correct me if I'm wrong.

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