Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Fading tulips

Last night we all thoroughly enjoyed the play Enemy of the People. It's an Ibsen play written in 1882 but is adapted to a modern day setting and located to the UK. A doctor (Matt Smith) discovers the water of the town spa is contaminated and is making people very ill, but the spa management and town council won't spend the money to improve the situation or close the spa down as it will deny people of their livelihoods. Matt Smith excelled in the role, and in one of the final scenes he is meant to address the people of the town at a meeting about the contaminated water but instead has a very long rant about society, greed, capitalism, politics etc - what a powerful monologue it was, not sure how he remembered all this words for that as it was a very detailed monologue. Then the discussion is opened up to the floor - us the audience - who could comment and give our views. Very interesting to say the least!

It was lovely to see Luke and Meriel again, and after the show Inca came home with Tommy and I. She is studying for exams so find it quiet at our house to do so, rather than staying in her shared house in Cambridge. 

Today was a miserable day of rain all day. My morning walk was not too bad but this afternoon it was so wet! 

Tomorrow Gavin and I are going to Norfolk again, we need to go to get some things done there and it will be the last visit for a while as we have other things on after this. Tommy and Inca are staying at home as she has to to get on with her studying. As a 5th year vet student she has exams every term.

Outdoor photos were not possible today in this weather, so I photographed my dying tulips before they went in the bin!

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