Big Hill

By bighill

An inside job!

Yesterday i had my second session with my art coach Cheryl, it was so good!   She is exactly what i need and what i imagined would come from engaging in this type of work.   As painters, we tend to spend so much time alone doing our creative work - and sometimes friends comment etc., but it can feel like you're just inside this void and quite alone, often without a lot of direction, except from yourself.   So to have 1 1/2 hours of undivided attention to my process - is just so rich!   Cheryl brings such a different energy and she asks questions of me that i hadn't thought about before.   Hearing yourself talk out loud about your art process is very illuminating!   She records our sessions so this morning i listened to half of it....then set to with the ideas she has suggested for me - i hesitate to call it 'homework' cos that got me really screwed up after our last session!!!   So lots of good info for me to figure out.   Anyway, i then decided to just add the oil sticks to an old painting...see extra - this is a very satisfying i have to wait cos there is almost too much oil paint on it now and it was starting to get muddy!   Once this dries a bit i can make more adjustments and the very shiny surface will dull down a bit!

Then i took on the job of making a concertina sketch book - they are so handy....but very expensive to buy.   I wanted to have a small type of sketch book to take on holiday to Mexico!  Booked a fabulous 2 bedroom house that is apparently only a 5 minute walk to the beach!!!   Can hardly wait till April.

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