But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

The Usual Suspects.

The cycle run today was to Whiteadder where we had lunch sitting on a grassy bank. After lunch, we planned to go up Redstone Rigg so there ensued some discussion about exactly where the Rigg is; the conclusion was that it was the hill in general and not a particular road going up the hill. This in turn lead to the question, "What is a Rigg anyway?" I was able to give the authoritative answer that it is an improperly castrated stallion which caused some amusement, particularly as a previous topic had been the range of knowledge contained within the various brains of the assembled company.
I'm afraid that I do have to amend my original definition slightly, the horse is called a "rig" when it appears to be a gelding but is, in fact, testosterone fuelled; it sometimes occurs when the poor creature has one descended testicle removed while the other remains in situ or some testicular tissue is left behind during the castration.
I'm sure that you all had a desperate need to know that

On a totally unrelated topic, today's blip is this bunch of critters that impeded our progress at Longyester.

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