TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

24/02/2024_Damn Spreadsheets

Part of the paperwork for retiring involves calculating the correct annual leave position and detailing how you are going to use that leave before you go.

Easy peasy – well no this is the civil service and it accrues daily and this is a leap year and I only work Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday so there’s another inherent calculation based on 24 not 37 hours. 
Oh yes then there’s the brought forward leave, legacy leave and flexi hours.
I’ve just done attempt number 5 (3 yesterday and 2 today) and to get it to balance in a way that suits me, it involved using a date 14 days after my original date of choice – getting paid for those days but utilising the newly calculated leave so kind of “money for nothing” if you like.
Need to check with a friend for unintended errors in my calculation before I give it to my manager on 5 March.
Meanwhile I washed and dried Kassie’s toys (water only for safety) and she now hates me because clean toys are boring.

Thank you for all yesterday's love - I'll catch up properly tomorrow

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