
By middleman


"The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation."

Early start to make sure my art-studying youngest got up and out the house on time to make it down to Waverley for the train. She's down in London with college for the next few days. Judging from this pic she sent me early evening they'd just been to The National Gallery - plenty more galleries, lots more art planned.

And, as my opener may suggest, it's classic re-read time round these parts. I bought, devoured and loved 'The Secret History' when it was first published back in 1992, and I've not read it since. I'm 80 pages in and, as debut novels go, yes, it's certainly somewhat accomplished and confident. I think the next few days are going to drift by in something of a classics-themed daze.


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