2011 photo resolution

By karenanya


Chilly run to start the morning. We're still hampered by soggy ground, flooding and puddles so did a 10k loop around Woodley.  
We bought some Tile trackers for our luggage for our trip to Australia last year.  I've been getting notifications that the batteries are low.  We managed to find one of them by getting it to chime but the second one now doesn't have enough battery left to make a noise.  We wandered around the bedroom, phones in hands trying to track it down. At one point it looked like it might be buried in my underwear drawer. I tipped everything out to check but still no luck.  On the upside, I now have an organised drawer and did chuck some larger stuff that would definitely lead to a 'wardrobe malfunction' if I wore them in public. 
The tracker remains elusive despite checking under the bed and in several other drawers. 
Went to the Biscuit Factory in the afternoon to see the evil little letters film.  Lids of swearing but good fun.  Walked home in cold and rain as we'd just missed a bus.  Did get a hot cross bun to munch on the way.  

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