Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Me and My Ball

Didn't do any wiiercise this morning after the headache yesterday I woke up feeling like a freight train had run into me and I had very unstable knees. They have been strapped up all day, my new funky tape should arrive tomorrow so have been researching the different ways to create supports with it, will also have a try of the arch support wrap you're meant to be able to do with it and see if they helps when my feet are bad.

But despite the headache, residual tiredness from yesterday and the creaky knees generally I am feeling better, though still a little down but then that revolves around the job thing. So still thinking the decision to stop the drugs was the right one and no dizzy attacks.

More bunny grooming achieved today, no Fred grooming though.

Now it's time to read then sleep.

Think bad dreams have something to do with zombies! I think ikea cinnamon buns will cure the bad dreams.

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