Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

This may well be my MOST fave photo EVER!! Love this girl!

Flew to England on Wed and headed straight down to Bomo. My illness properly hit me. Urgh. BUT got to see Lies, Roseanna and the Tufts too.

Got up late this morn having chatted with Roseanna til silly o'clock. It was a gorgeous sunny day so we headed down to the beach and met Emma and Ingrid. The bonus of a sunny day is that my sunglasses hid my cold-y, crying right eye. Boo to colds! Did a bit of paddling, sun bathing then went to take advantage of Frappy hour at Starbucks. Lazed in the park for a bit before heading back to the beach for a BBQ. Lies joined us too which was super cool. SUCH a nice day.

Off to Winch tomorrow.

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