
By Wildwood

Los Alamos Road

I ditched the walker today and am once more cutting back on the OxyCodone. 

We spent quite some time hunting for my medical cards which I handed to John after I checked into the surgery center a week ago. I'll spare the  details of what happens when two fuzzy brained people try to solve a problem. It reminds me of the psych experiments I used to volunteer for when I was at university. The ones where  a group of people are tasked with solving a problem with a  limited amount of information and limited inability to communicate. Fortunately the cards turned up despite it all.

Sat out on the porch in the sun again today and then took a nap. Spike likes to sit out there where I can throw his Kong for him. He harasses John by shoving it under his chair and scratching and growling at it but  if John throws it he won't go get it. For the life of me I cannot penetrate his doggy brain on the Kong fixation.

Every time I look out the bedroom door I see somebody toiling up Los Alamos Road on a bicycle. It's a steep 5 mile ride to the top and I'm sure it's fun coming back down again but I never see them doing that because they're going so fast. I tried to get a picture of one today but it's an even more terrible picture than the one I am putting up. I caught the rider but he looks like the headless horseman with his helmet blending into the top of the fence. Instead, I offer the row of yew trees planted too close together by the householders above us. It screens their house from the street but does nothing to screen the camper van tilting at an alarming angle behind their house. Somebody went out and started it a few days ago and we hoped that they were going to move it, but of course it is firmly mired in grass and mud and going nowhere without a crane. 

Rat guy came today and found no sign of a rat, explaining that if we continue to hear it he will have to crawl under the house to get to the spot where we were hearing it. I don't think we will hear it again because I think it has expired in situ. Another catch 22 situation which I don't have the energy to think about....

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