Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

Have had SUCH a good week in Germany at debriefing. 30+C, great food, fun and lots of laughs. It was like a little haven away from the world. Didn't want to leave (which is funny as I didn't want to come first of all!)

So...a LONG day of travelling. Left at 9.30am (8.30am GMT) and arrived in Bath at 22.15pm: 3 trains to Frankfurt airport, plane to London city, train & tube to Waterloo, several more tubes to Paddington (got a bit confused by the underground) where there was a brass band playing, then my final train to Bath where Andy picked me up. Managed to properly surprise Mutti. Jaw dropped and speechless. And the first thing she did manage to say was "what are you doing here?" SUCCESS!!

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