..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T


The alarm went off at 0645 today and I looked out the back (facing west) to find the sky was bright pink. 
This meant one thing, the sky looking east over the Fells was going to be epic.. I needed to get to a high point!
A quick scramble to get kit on and check camera for
1: Battery
2: SD card is loaded (yes I've gone out before with the SD card in my PC card reader, I expect everyone has?)

Out of the front door to find there had been a hailstorm over night and everything -  car, roads, paths were covered in ice. The light in the east was amazing but was fading fast and regrettably I elected from a safety point of view not to attempt ice skating on foot or in the car. 

I reflected on what might have been over a cup of tea and then noting it was St Davids day I thought when the ice had thawed I'd search out a daffodil for an appropriate shot.

Needless to say this plan did not work out but I did get a long range shot of Scafell Pike (left , you can just see the shelter on the top)  and Scafell. (right)  Taken from the base of the radio mast on St Bees head. 
Pleased with that considering that's at 350mm (APSC), it's about 16miles as the Crow flies.

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