
By Cully

Trust in me ssssssss!

The rain kinda scuppered plans to finish the patio but glad it rained as I am no longer jealous of the Glastonbury goers!

Anyway booked two appointments today for Saturday to go wedding dress shopping. I am starting to realise why I'm not getting excited about the big day and it's due to not being thin enough to look a million dollars and not having the willpower to do something about it. I am not going to bore you with diet dilemmas my problem is I eat too much and don't exercise and I'll happily admit it!

So with ten months to go till the big day I decided drastic measures were in order and looked up weight loss hypnotists in the area. Hence the lazy blip pic of Kaa from the jungle book. I found a guy 5 minutes away for 60 pound a session. I haven't mentioned it to the boy he would just say 'lets be good'. I have been trying to 'be good' for 15 years now.

I probably won't do it, it would probably be cheaper to get a gastric band! Ooo, now there's an idea. Or apply for the biggest loser, but then you need a fat friend, how on earth would you broach the subject with a friend!

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