What a full day!

Today was reading camp out day. The kids could bring cozy blankets, pillows, stuffies, and sleeping bags. The first station was buddy reading, where an older read to a younger. The room had low lighting and the fairy lights were on and the kids all had flashlights to give them that camp feel.

Then it was s'mores. We had planned to roast them outside over a real fire but it was too windy today for that, so they were cooked in the oven and we passed them out in the cafeteria. 

Then there was the read aloud station where one of the teachers read stories to the kids. It was a lot of fun and went really smoothly.

Then the 3rd - 6th graders got to go to the symphony at the university. All the district kids came and it was great. They were all really well behaved. They clapped when they were supposed to and were quiet and listened when they were supposed to. The music was lively and dramatic to appeal to kids. The neatest part was going around and each different instrument played a bit so the kids could all hear what they sounded like. Some of the music was from Star Wars or from a video game and the kids knew it and loved it. There was even a bit from the opera Carmen and they had a lovely Brazilian soprano in a red dress, red lipstick and a red bow in her hair sing parts of the opera for the kids.

Back to school for some drop and read which I got to participate in for a bit. 
So ends my first full week. It's been really good. Then I met my mom for a drink at Front Street and that was the icing on the cake.

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