
By memento

Good photographic mileage 101

I love this found object; it is the same fluffy seedhead and source of the single umbrella seed and I will be using it for teaching my introductory course called: Good photographic mileage 101: how to take many pictures of the same thing and have them look totally different. If you live in a very cold climate, you might consider taking this course.

Kidding! I don't really teach anything but if I did, the name of the course should really be: How to slam blip the first thing you see because it's 4:00 pm and you're having movie night here (Paul Blart Mall Cop, and other titles fit for 14 year olds, fresh Spring Rolls (made by my best bud), mandarin cake and gin and tonics) and you still need to make the grocery run.

No need to call the cops, there are no 14 year olds at this gathering. Very cultured, it will be...NOT!

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