A Second Edinburgh Blipmeet!

This evening Phil and I had the pleasure of getting to know Flumgummery (left front), a blipper from Edinburgh, Scotland, just about seven weeks after meeting our first Edinburgh blipper, Lady Findhorn.

Flumgummery and Mr. Flum (right back), who have been traveling in the United States, today joined their longtime friends from Michigan, R (left back) and C (right front) for a holiday together, and included a stop in Bellingham in their itinerary.

We had a wonderful time getting to know our guests and finding a wealth of similarities between us, including the joys of singing in a choir, the pleasures and frustrations of blipping and computers, the similarities and differences between our respective cities, our wonderful children and grandchildren, waxing nostalgic about film cameras but being glad we had digital ones, the pleasure of locally-made ice cream, why some of us pick up stones from places we visit, and much, much more.

We hope they'll enjoy exploring Bellingham tomorrow as much as we enjoyed this evening together!

(Many thanks to Flumgummery and Mr. Flum for the Rosslyn Chapel book, tea towel, bookmarks, and photo CD, and the handmade small glass from Edinburgh, and to R and C for the wonderful quart of Michigan maple syrup!)

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