News shoes

Went into Worcester this morning with the sole (no pun intended) purpose of getting Charlotte new shoes.
First shop had nothing at all in her size
Second ship tried to sell me the identical pair of shoes that the first shop had said were too big, in the end they did concede that they were gaping.
Third shop.... Sold me a pair of shoes that did fit, but upon reflection they are not really what I was after at all. They are first shoes, so very soft, they don't have a proper soul and they are Velcro. So going to take them back.
Popped into M&S who had exactly what I wanted so got them. She keeps looking at her shoes and smiling.

Daddy has got to Guernsey safely, they are staying in the same hotel we stayed in before so I can picture the places he talks about.

About to put my pyjamas on and enjoy a very quiet evening.

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