New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Magic Morning

I struggled to choose my blip today.  I've been back on the bike (it's been a while!) and what a day for it. Cold and frosty and beautiful.  This was my first photo taken of the sculptures in Chatelherault which shows off the frost quite nicely.  The other was of the Clyde looking magical with a layer of fog and the sun coming through the clouds.  Went with this one as I've done others of the Clyde before, but it was a close call.

Had a lovely interaction on the way in, there's a bit of cycle path that has fallen into the river, it's been cordonded off for months but you could still get through if you didn't mind taking your chances with the eroding bank.  However, I got there this morning to big fences and a JCB, so turned around and met a cyclist coming speedily the other way. I frantically said 'It's shut!!' but he carried on and navigated the barriers.  We met back up on the other side and had a companiable cycle along the river chatting council budgets, and the benefits of e-bikes, before headinf different ways at the bridge.

The cycle home wasn't quite as pretty, but still a lovely pink sunset and light enough to get home when it was still light. Woo hoo!

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