2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

You are being watched

Had to do a real life first aid incident today.  One of our students was taken ill.  We eventually got them triaged by 111 and then security took them to a&e. It was quite stressful trying to make sure I was doing the right thing.  
I needed some fresh air afterwards and went to sit outside to have my lunch. Instead of the usual bird song, all I could hear was the whirring of this annoying drone. The use of drones is strictly  controlled on campus so I'm not sure what it was up to.  If they were filming,  they will have caught my sour expression as I looked upwards. 
Team meeting after lunch with some important observers. I was then stood up by my next colleague who should have met up with me in our cafe.  No explanation or apology but at least I was able to leave on time.  
Haircuts for the whole family and then on to book group. The book was a hit with nearly everyone. Patrick Gale's books are always well written and engaging.  

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