Autumn Bud

There was a cold strong wind for most of the day. We did have some lovely sunshine. It was around 20c. 

I had a bad night with my AF. Around 9am it started coming back into its rhythm. I had to ring my doctors on a another matter and the nurse said I didn't sound very good and should get my AF checked out. The appointment wasn't until 3:45pm. 

My GP is on holiday and her replacement was a lovely younger doctor. She was running three quarters hour behind. She was concerned about my AF and wanted a blood test and a ECG. I had two nurses try and get some blood. In the end I had to wait until the GP was finished. And after the second go she got some. Also the ECG machine didn't want to do a reading. After many goes it worked. The surgery was closed by the time I left. The only two left was the doctor and the nurse.

The GP phoned my around 7:30pm because the blood test showed slightly higher Troponin T levels which can indicated a heart attack. She rang the hospital and they said they were not too concerned as it was probably the result from my AF being out of rhythm for so long.

I was told if I didn't improve or get worse to go to A&E. The GP said she was writing to the cardiologist explaining what's happening and hopefully I may be seen faster. My GP should have referred me a few weeks ago after my last visit to A&E but hadn't gotten around to it. Great it has been done at last. 

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