Its the Way It Is

By Jeano



My friend is married to a British Bloke (his words) and he is the best of men.

He has organised ‘grub’ for his wife and her tennis cronies this evening to watch the match in their home. (England v Ireland Rugby)

He is a good cook and we are having

Prawn Marie Rose to start

Sassenach Stew (his words) the best of British

Sherry Trifle as pudding ( I think he means dessert but it would be rude to correct him)


Yes the Irish are in London and I was very tempted to go (I was offered rugby tickets) as I would love to see John Singer Sargent and Fashion in the Tate but I’m saving my bobs for a new car and budget didn’t allow.

My blip is of this cool cookery book I have which centres on the Bloomsbury Set - can’t beat a bit of decadence.

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