Life's tangled skein

By atp

Computer Problems

My computer died. Being fair to it, it was almost six years old. Most of the time it performed well, but then it decided that it was no longer willing to do the USB thing in any reliable manner. And since I thought that the video card was on its way out, and had already replaced the power supply, I came to the decision that it was time to stop throwing good money after bad and replace it.

I chose a nice shiny new Dell, and ordered it. My mistake was in failing to notice that the ones with SSDs were on the next page - instead I bought an SSD and thought I would just transfer the operating system to that.

I think of myself as a pretty fair computer guy, but I did spend a while tearing my hair out trying to get it "just so"!

The good news is that it is now up and running, and the speed simply blows me away. But it took me a good few evenings to get there...

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