Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Off again

On a rather delayed ferry overnight to Cherbourg.

We pottered around all day, doing some essential bits and pieces.  W moved the car to the back door, cleaned the inside of rubbish.  I booked our return journey.  And did some housekeeping on my tablet - including copying my photos onto my main computer.

After we'd packed, and decided on what snack to take, W started to load the car, and discovered our 12V battery was dead again (which meant he couldn't open the boot).  We've been a bit remiss at remembering to trickle charge it.  Fortunately we can jump start it from a little power pack, but once it was started we couldn't risk switching off again.

So we set off Rosslare a bit earlier than we had quite intended, and this made the fact that the ferry loading and departure was delayed by 2 hours even more annoying.  And this probably all fed into the fact that, as they eventually started to load the ferry, what with darkness, poor to non-existent lighting, rain, and misted up windscreen, I managed to drive into a tree and have damaged the driver's side front wing somewhat!

We didn't feel like eating a proper meal at midnight, but had snacks of fruit and crisps.  I had to go to the bar to get fruit juice and glasses, as there were no drinking vessels provided in the little cabin.  We did refill the glasses with wine (can't leave half a bottle at home, can we?) later.

Brooding about the car, and finding the cabin overly warm meant I slept badly!

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