Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Easter Display

We went to Scotsdales Garden Centre this morning as I wanted some compost, which, I did not get.
We had breakfast and then looked at the compost bags; they were very wet and I did not want to put them in the car. For free delivery you now have to spent more than £150, so I am afraid my compost will be coming from Amazon, at the same price and no delivery charge. I did purchase some plants for the garden as well as a small Monkey Plant. I would have liked one of the larger ones, but they were very expensive. It seems it can be planted outside during the warmer weather and can grow to ten feet in length! It will remain indoors in a small pot.
I spent some of the afternoon editing some photographs I took when I was in Cambridge for the u3a March theme, which is Architecture; I hate taking pictures of architecture!
Today’s picture is of Scotsdales entrance Easter display.
The temperature at noon today was eleven degrees Celsius.  

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