Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A sowing day. Sowed two kinds of seeds, that needs to be in water for 24 hours before we sow them. One kind was new, the other a fussy plant, I'd sowed before. Bought a kind of pot, at work before I went home.
My day started eventful, though.
On my way to work I saw an interesting stone (yes, I'm that kind of person.. :D ), and went back to pick it up, instead of leaving it for the way home. Started walking and after a while a saw a little dog watching me, not willing to move. I told the owner I'm allergic and can't say hello. We talked for a while and went (what I thought) our separate ways. I had something in my mind and watched out for small bits of branches, and larger (still on the shorter span) ones too. I made my way along the last path to work, finding sticks and pieces of branches that I wanted. Hand full of branches I see another dog walker with two dogs (one's a beautiful white Shepard), so I stepped aside to let her pass, but she told me there's a dog behind you, so she couldn't pass me. I turned and saw that the first dog I met, and his person, was behind me and had seen me picking sticks, and discarding sticks... :D I went around the two new dogs and heard the Shepard barking when she (I think) met the other dog. After walking a bit, a saw three deers walking grazing in the frost covered grass. I started talking in a low voice so they would hear me, and not freak out. They did walk away from me, but not run, and they stopped and looked at me when I was talking. I tried to gesture that I was going this way, but I don't speak deer so they probably just wondered what that crazy being is doing. They didn't run away at least and I continued to walk slowly and talking to them until a car came down the drive way from work and they startled. Thankfully the car slowed down, to see that the deers didn't run infront of the car, but they didn't, and ran the other way. Not in a panic and not a long way, just maybe 20 meters before settling down grazing again. So happy they didn't panic and run into traffic on the other side. I'd rather have them go into the larger forest behind work. But, it was a nice start of the day. A chilly day... and the bus, who was late as usual, came straight from the garage and had some problems with the heating inside the bus, I think, because we had a chilly ride.

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