
By Ingeborg

Battered sign

We did a two hour walk through the Sonian Forest today , mostly through drizzle. My legs are hurting and I've got blisters on the soles of my feet, because I wore wellies instead of my usual Reeboks. But, as my husband says, we had enough healthy exercise for today :-)

I noticed this battered sign high up a tree trunk and wondered what had happened to make it bend the way it did. It's in French and Flemish and the lines are slightly different, in French it says: This beautiful wood is yours, please help us stand up for it, in Flemish it says: This wood is yours, please help us preserve it :-) The differences are probably because Flemish (and Dutch) use more words ;-)

Sorry for the slightly OTT processing, light circumstances in a steamy dark wood aren't too great

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