Saturday: Readers World #2: Alice

Reader: K.
Reading: The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude Stein


Despite only starting the Readers' series yesterday, this isn't staged, K. really was reading so I took the opportunity to leap upon her with my trusty camera....

We did have things planned today - nothing special, but we had an idea how we might spend the day. None of it happened, though - I had to go in to work for a bit this morning to sort out something that came up yesterday afternoon. When I got home, we decided that we were just in the mood for some quiet time at home.

Spaghetti and a movie later, I think. And I shall whisk up a butterscotch Angel Delight. For me, K. doesn't like them - hurrah!

Part of my new Readers' World series.

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