
By AuntieP

Runway view

A pic taken on our way up to the higher part of the village of Gaula where we met with Rita.  She is a very enterprising Madieran lady who started a business taking people on walks, followed by refreshments at her tea room.  A bus pass walkers dream!
She is so informative about the life of the people of the villages going back to her grandparents and life there today.  We walked along the Levada dos Tornos past her grandparents house, stopping frequently while she told us about the flora and fauna around us. This is the second time we’ve done this tour with Rita and we enjoyed it very much again.  During Covid times her husband converted her aunt’s old house into a a wonderful new tea room overlooking the valley where we were served an afternoon tea with sweet potato bread made by her mother and delicious cakes made by her son. A true family business!

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