Ring of Tyres

By Tyres

First strawberry

The sun beat down and the first of our strawberries developed a bad case of sunburn.

Really hot today. Actually had to water the tender bits of the veg garden this evening as it's all getting very dusty and parched.

The first of the courgette/squash seedlings broke through. Thank goodness, I was beginning to think they were duffers.

Spent a fair bit o the day trying to restore order to beetroot seedlings that had been disturbed by a hen having a dust bath. Lost a lot, damn. Wouldn't mind so much if she ate them but it's just the dry soil that's appealing. Have now fenced it all in with chicken wire, hopefully that will keep her out. I doubt it will deter the rabbist that's nibbling everything though, I think they come in through the tyres. Never had a lot of bother with them until this year, wonder what's different?

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