Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Gardening Shoes

one foot
and then
gardening shoes

For all I know, shoe gardening is a popular pursuit, but this is the first example that I've come across. I like the idea of planting things in a shoe and leaving it in a public space, which is what this competition at Baildon's Hallcliffe Community Garden invites you to do. The winner will be declared at the Scarecrow Festival at the end of the summer.

The day started with 8 and 5yo participating in a local gymnastics festival. 8yo came home with a gold medal for his class, so he's very pleased. 5yo also did well in her first group display in front of a big audience of mums and dads.

The sun has come out this afternoon, but we're still waiting for the next big butterfly emergence. There were five Small Heath and a couple of Large White in our local patch of the moor, but we're still waiting for the Large Skippers, Ringlets and even Meadow Browns to show.

Click Beetle of the day.

Hoverfly of the day.

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