It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Saddle Sore!!

Ive changed the picture...I prefer this one! lol

Yes my dear blipping friends Im a wee bit sore around the thighs today. I went riding and Louise took us for a much longer ride today ...(Which was fantastic) What a way to forget all about time!
It was very warm and Charlotte went through the village of Long Itchington and up past the pub (Duck On The Pond) and into several fields. I don't think she was too keen about going that far with me on! When we got a couple of fields up Louise took my picture as I have not yet had one taken with me riding.
Its the old D5000 as I wouldnt dare risk the 800 just in case.

However Charlotte was none to keen on having her picture taken and just wanted to head for home I think! So Im trying to hold her still but Louise did a grand job with the camera so we got three shots. This is a bit of an action shot so it had to be blipped ;-)

I did get a bit worried when we crossed the main road through the village as Charlotte didn't seem as relaxed as normal so I asked Louise if I should dismount while we crossed the road...but Louise said no certainly not ....bless her she had more faith in me than I did!

Once we crossed the road Charlotte relaxed again and we went on our merry way back to the yard.

I had a great day ...sunshine seeing the horses and having a terrific time.
If you read this Louise then thank you so much it was a great day. ;-)

TTFN my blip friends
Draco x

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