He scampered away from me!

The weather started off quite windy and cloudy but by early afternoon there was quite a lot of sun and it was really warm.
Today is my birthday and we went out for a family breakfast which was great and then took my mum to see A and D's flat. After that they came back here and then took mum to hospital. Spent some time at home and had friends call round with cards etc. Mid afternoon we went over to Belfairs Woods. Haven't been here for ages and quite a few things had changed, new play area for the children and a wildlife centre due to open soon. Saw the horses going along the bridleway, butterflies,birds and also some people playing golf (golf course goes through the wood) but decided on this squirrel as my blip. I saw it on the ground as it saw us and scampered up a tree so the shot is a little distant and not as sharp as I would like. Best large. C managed to see the rugby and F1 and will watch the race tomorrow.
Hope you're all having a good weekend.

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