Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Gone Fishing

After all the rain yesterday, today dawned without a cloud in the sky and a glorious morning.  We decided to do the circular walk from the Cley visitor centre across the marshes and along the beach, a little under three miles.  A quarter of it is along the beach which is shingle so not easy walking, but it was good to be walking next to the waves.

We were puzzled to see lots of Herons flying around; probably about eight or nine.  I don't know if they are nesting up in the trees behind the marsh but seemed to be circling around there.  We then saw a flock of twelve white Egrets come in to land on the marsh.  I'm no expert but I never think of either of these birds as going around in flocks so for me, it was unusual to see.  We also saw a pair of Spoonbills who stood for a while and then took off and flew past us.  It's the first time I can remember seeing Spoonbills and they are a bird I've always wanted to see.

My shot was taken towards the end of the beach section of the walk; the tractor had just launched a fishing boat going out to check the crab and lobster pots, and there were several fisherman casting their lines from the beach.

W's birthday today so we are going out for a meal this evening.  Monday never seems a good day to have a birthday!

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